Alexis Lemarié



Adresse : 195 rue du Faubourg St Martin
F-75010 Paris

Portable : +
Téléphone : +33.1 .

About Alexis Lemarié


Alexis Lemarié’s activity has been oriented for over 10 years towards maritime and transport law. He studied these subjects and then practised them as an in-house lawyer at Schenker and, for three years, as a lawyer with Le Berre Engelsen Witvoet law firm in Paris, where he worked on major maritime cases such as the pollution of the “ERIKA”.

He then practised at Ince & Co Paris for more than six years as a lawyer and managing associate which gave him the opportunity to work on many complex and high-stakes matters, mainly in maritime, transport and insurance law. 
In 2020, he opened the Paris office of Tarin Lemarié, which he joined as a partner.


2011 – Summer course International Tribunal Law for The Sea

2009 – Advanced Master in International Business Law & Management ESSEC

2008 – Admitted to the Paris Bar

2007 – Master 2 in Martime and Transport Law, University Aix-Marseille III

2006 –Master 1 in Business Law, University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne

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